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'There is the Africa of the past and there is the Africa of the present. I am concerned here with what I feel is eternally Africa, yesterday, today and tomorrow, untouched by the vagaries of men'.
Johannes Meintjes, SA Panorama, 1960









UMeintjes wayengumzobi owathandwa nowaxhaswa kakhulu ngabantu balapha nabaphesheya ukususela ngelaa xesha eselula. Emva kokudlula kweminyaka wafumana nodumo njengombhali. Uyincutshe yezembali eyaziwayo kwaye ngumzobi okwazi ukusebenzisa iindlela ngeendlela ebugciseni bakhe. Udumo owayelufumana njengomzobi oneminyaka eyi21 lolona lona lukhulu apha eMzantsi Afrika. UEsme Berman wabhala kwincwadi yakhe ehlonitshwa kakhulu Art & Artists of South Africa, "Indlela uJohannes Meintjes wasuka waba ngumntu odume ngayo kwiminyaka yokugqibela yemfazwe yesibini yehlabathi sesona isiganeko simangalisayo kwimbali yobugcisa baseMzantsi Afrika. Phambi kokuba afumane iminyaka eyi-22 lo mzobi wayelonwabela uthando loluntu jikelele uthando olufana nolu oluza kunikwa kwiimvumi zepop kwixesha elizayo."

UJohannes Meintjes wasweleka ngo1980 kwaye wazisekela njengomzobi nombhali omkhulu waseMzantsi Afrika. Endaweni yokuphaphasha amanqaku amaninzi nezinye iincwadi ezincinci, wayephaphashile iincwadi eziyi-35, eziquka imisebenzi yezembali yaseMzantsi Afrika.

Wayepeyinte imifanekiso engaphezu kwamawaka, ezenze iisculptures ezininzi kwaye wayibonisa imisebenzi yakhe kuwo wonke amaziko amakhulu aseMzantsi Afrika – ngamanye amaxesha eyedwa, ngamanye amaxesha kunye nabanye abazobi Alexis Preller, JH Pierneef, Gerard Sekoto, Irma Stern, Maggie Laubser noWalter Battiss.

Umsebenzi kaMeintjes unayo into yesiNtu… into engaveli eYuropa kuphela, nemifanekiso yakhe, eyayipeyintwe ngolwazi awayelufumana ebugciseni baseYuropa, ithetha ngelizwi laseAfrika.

UMeintjes wakhe wathi "Indlela yam endibona ngayo izinto… ivela emhlabeni waseAfrika, kwaye ndifaka neyam injongo engamkelwa entliziyweni nasengqondweni yezizukulwana ezizayo."

Copyright © 2022 TB van der Merwe - Botes (art) and Kobus Opperman (text and images) as well as the various owners and authorised assignees of the copyright of works of art, images, publications and photography. The content, images and intellectual property on this site are protected by international copyright laws and treaties. All rights reserved and no reproduction of any nature whatsoever without prior written permission.